
The Anaheim Community Foundation is dedicated to providing and improving programs not ordinarily supported by government, which enriches the lives of Anaheim residents. When you support the Anaheim Community Foundation, you:

Help residents in need
Engage at-risk youth in positive activities
Improve healthy living
Promote arts, culture and learning
Provide emergency assistance
With the help of concerned and caring donors like you, ACF is building a better Anaheim for youth and adults in Anaheim. Here are some highlights of the impact you make when you support the Anaheim Community Foundation:


Concerts in the Park
Your support helps bring free summer concerts to the Anaheim community. The summer concert series at Ronald Reagan and Maxwell Parks provides five free summer concerts, where neighbors and families can enjoy good music, family fun and picnics on the park. Average attendance for these concerts is approximately 700 per night and the music styles range from classic rock, county, Caribbean, and Latin. Funds are used to directly support the cost of the entertainers performing.

Pearson Park Amphitheatre
The Summer Nights Under the Stars Family Series includes theatre, magic, dance, and of course…music! Special evenings may feature Polynesian culture, African dance, Japanese festival drums, the Orange County Symphony, or the Anaheim Ballet. Area residents travel to Pearson Park Theatre to experience the excitement of live theatrical programming. Your support helps to offset costs of these free and low-cost productions, as well as theatre improvements.


Oak Canyon Nature Center
The City of Anaheim’s Oak Canyon Nature Center is a natural park nestled in the Anaheim Hills. Located on site is an Interpretive Center with live animal and regional natural history exhibits. Your support will be directed toward the provision of activities that encourage children to learn about the environment and the nature elements around them.


Emergency Assistance
The Foundation offers funding to assist extremely low-income Anaheim families with rental payment and home gas bill assistance, and other daily living needs through the Human Services Section Program at the Downtown Anaheim Community Center and Ponderosa Park Family Resource Center. Your support will go directly to help families in need in Anaheim.

Helping Hands
The Foundation offers grant funding to organizations which serve Anaheim residents through its Helping Hands Grant process. Special consideration will be given to proposals that address at-risk youth or seniors in need, demonstrate a multiple agency approach to problem solving, and/or augment the requested Helping Hands grant with matching dollars and volunteer labor.

Community Assistance Special Events
The Foundation manages funding designated to support Community Assistance Special Events including an enrichment and personal empowerment program for women from domestic violence situations (Today’s Woman/La Mujer de Hoy). Your support will help underwrite the cost of the program that helps women build healthy lives for themselves and their children.

Motel Families Project
The Foundation manages funding designated to assist families achieve permanent housing. The program offers case management, rental assistance, security deposits, moving costs, employment assistance, and other forms of assistance related to housing stability for these vulnerable households through the work of the Collaboration to Assist Motel Families. Your support will go directly to help families in need in Anaheim.


Anaheim Community Gardens
Bring together neighborhoods and community organizations across Anaheim to build gardens throughout the city to promote gardening, wellness and community harmony.

Kash for K-9’s
Kash for K-9’s was created to accept donations to fund monuments to be installed at Anaheim’s two new dog parks. The parks will feature special bronze dog sculptures honoring the Anaheim Police K-9’s for their heroism. The project arose from an incident where APD K9, Bruno, took a bullet meant for his partner and other uniformed personnel.


Senior Citizens Emergency Assistance
The Foundation offers funding to assist seniors with rental payments, utility bills, bus passes, and other financial needs, through the Anaheim Senior Program at the Downtown Anaheim Community Center. Your support will go directly to help senior citizens in need in Anaheim.

Senior Citizens Program and Senior Performing Groups
The Foundation manages funding that helps to offset the cost of supplies, equipment, and entertainment for Senior Program special events that include the Indoor Picnic, St. Valentine’s Day Party, the Annual Fashion Show, and Ice Cream Socials. Your support will go directly to help support special events and help offset expenditures for hiring accompanists for rehearsals and performances of the Anaheim Senior Chorus and Dapper Tappers.


Ballet Folklorico Dance Program
The Anaheim Community Services Department’s Project S.A.Y. (Support Anaheim’s Youth) Folklorico and Cultural Dance Group strengthens cultural heritage for youth in the community. Youth dancers participate in events each month including the Orange County Fair and the International Dance Festival at Anaheim High School, among others. Your support will help offset the cost of dance supplies, costumes, and shoe repair.

Community Service VolunTeens
The summer VolunTeen Program provides an opportunity for active teens to volunteer throughout the City. Sites included the Community Services office in City Hall, West Anaheim Youth Center, Downtown Youth Center, Pearson Park Theatre, Camp Venture at Peralta Canyon Park, Oak Canyon Nature Center’s O.A.K.S. Summer Day Camp, and Tiny Tots Program at East Anaheim Community Center and Brookhurst Community Center.

Downtown Anaheim and West Anaheim Youth Centers Events and Activities
The Downtown Anaheim and West Anaheim Youth Centers provide a safe place for youth 5 to 17 years of age to engage in a variety of healthy and wholesome program and activities at no cost to participants. The Foundation manages donations used to provide for over 400 youth throughout the year. Your support will help provide opportunities for youth to participate in educational workshops, youth leadership conferences.

Project SAY (Support Anaheim’s Youth) Youth Development

Project S.A.Y. is the City of Anaheim Youth Development Program and uses a combination of outreach, recreation, sports, academic, and individualized guidance to engage junior high and high school-age youth in positive and constructive activities that help them develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for successful adulthood. Your support will provide opportunities for youth to attend or participate in performing arts and other cultural activities, educational workshops and youth leadership conferences, and sports events.

Tiny Tots Program
The Anaheim Community Services Department’s Tiny Tots Program provides early childhood development activities for 3 to 5 year old youngsters –preparing them for kindergarten and beyond. Currently, sessions are held at the East Anaheim Community Center, Peralta Canyon Recreation Center, Brookhurst Community Center, and Oak Canyon Nature Center.

Youth Park Playground Programs
Your support will be used to fund youth related recreation programs coordinated by the Anaheim Community Services department. Currently the following mobile recreation programs which rotate though 8 parks monthly are supported solely through grants and individual donations; Art in the Park–a hands on visual arts program and Kids in Motion – a fun fitness program with emphasis on learning skills and improving athletic endurance. Funds are also used to provide and enhance other youth programs such as after school activities, seasonal day camps and many special community events.

Youth Scholarships for Recreation and Personal Enrichment Programs
The Foundation provides youth scholarships to families who meet residency and income criteria. Thanks to the generous support of the Foundation, qualifying youth are able to participate in the variety of recreational opportunities offered through the Community Services Department including gymnastics, sports, art, and music classes.